Our Terms & Conditions

Todos os serviços fornecidos pela Super8com podem ser utilizados apenas para fins legais. Transmission, storage or presentation of any information, data or material in any country, state or city law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to material protected by copyright, material we judge to be threatening or obscene, or material protected by trade secret and other statute. O assinante concorda em indemnizar e defender a Super8com de quaisquer reclamações resultantes do uso do serviço que prejudique o assinante ou qualquer outra parte.

Office Hours

O horário de atendimento da Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) é das 9h00 às 13h00 / das 14h00 às 18h00, de segunda a sexta-feira. Chamadas telefónicas não contam como solicitações de trabalho. Where staff mobile telephone numbers are provided, we ask that you exercise discretion when calling out of hours and only call in emergencies, as in some cases these are also the staff’s personal telephones. We appreciate your understanding.

Contactando a Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) de forma a tratar com mais eficácia as suas dúvidas, pedimos que nos coloque quaisquer questões por escrito no nosso Sistema de Apoio. This system allows us to distribute questions to the appropriate departments, and thereby respond to you, more efficiently. We have a Support System exclusive to our clients that you can use on our website.

Provision of Materials

You agree to provide us with the specific copy, images and information we require in order to create your product, or to advise us as to where we can locate such materials.

We accept no responsibility for your site not being put live/product being completed by a specific date if we are unable to secure necessary and/or suitable information and/or materials from you.

If you cannot supply the information you wish to feature in your product, we will do what we can to obtain it, but we accept no responsibility for errors, omissions or discrepancies which may be present on the final product, as these may arise through our lack of specialist knowledge regarding the content of your product.

The time taken to compile the data, as well as any time required to correct errors, omissions or discrepancies which have arisen through your not providing us with adequate materials, will be charged to you at our standard rate.

We accept no responsibility for the delay caused in providing you with the final product as a result of your supplying us with insufficient or unsuitable materials. This does not apply if the additional cost could have been avoided but for unreasonable delay on the part of Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) in ascertaining the unsuitability of the materials with which you provide us.

Where you supply or specify materials, we will take every care to secure the best results in the finished product, but we accept no responsibility for imperfect work caused by defects in or unsuitability of materials so supplied or specified.

Website Proofs

Once a client has agreed a look and feel proof and instructed Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) to proceed to build, any subsequent changes in style or design requested by the client will be charged for at the appropriate hourly rate.

Payment Terms

Concorda em pagar um depósito de 60% da fatura final imediatamente, 40% após a aprovação final e antes de ficar online.

When we have finished building your site, we will put it live on our own server under a temporary name which we will give you.

After we have informed you of the site’s location on our server, you have 72 hours to view the site and ask for any amendments to be made. The site can be kept live for a longer period if you specifically request this. After the 72-hour viewing period has elapsed, the invoice will be issued as – apart from minor alterations or transfers onto other domain names – our work on the site is then complete.

Once the bill is settled in full, we will put the site live on its own domain name, or – if you have not yet selected one – it will remain live on our server. If you possess your own domain name, we will initiate whatever process is necessary to put the site live once the bill is settled.

Não é permitido apontar o seu próprio nome de domínio para o site de teste no servidor Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda). If this is found to be the case, we reserve the right to remove the site from our server. All deposits are non-refundable.

Todas as faturas emitidas pela Super8 para clientes sem assinatura de plano de suporte deverão ser pagas imediatamente após o recebimento da fatura, sem exceção.

Apenas aceitamos pagamentos por Transferência Bancária, Paypal ou via Stripe (Cartão de Crédito/Débito).
Pagamentos efetuados de qualquer outra forma acarretam uma taxa extra que será cobrada na próxima fatura. Se até ao final do mês seguinte à fatura anterior não houver fatura ao cliente para cobrar esta taxa extra, será emitida uma fatura exclusivamente para essa taxa com um acréscimo de 25% sobre o valor da taxa. Caso esta fatura não seja paga no prazo de 15 dias, todos os serviços Super8 com o cliente, incluindo domínios e hospedagem, serão suspensos até que o pagamento seja efetuado.

Website Updates & Site Maintenance

If you want to introduce new material in the form of extra pages, additional functions, or more information than is already available on your site, this must be paid for as a new job and can be requested in our support page . Our Support its available for all clients registered on our website. Free Plan requests will be charged by our hour price.

All support requests must be made through Super8 Support page. Os pedidos de suporte efetuados via whatsapp, telefone ou email serão encaminhados para a página de Suporte Super8 com prioridade Normal e serão cobrados 25€ por hora + IVA.

Aos clientes com o plano de suporte gratuito serão cobrados 25€ por hora + IVA. An invoice will be issued after the order is placed.

Customers can submit files via the ticket system. If the file is large (more than 2MB), they must be sent by WeTransfer to support@super8.pt, and must be mentioned in the Ticket.

Access to the backoffice for customers with the Free Plan must be requested and is subject to a payment to be defined depending on the website’s features.

You are not permitted to point your own domain name to the test site on the Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) server. If this is found to be the case, we reserve the right to remove the site from our server. All deposits are non-refundable.

For more information contact us via email to support@super8.pt.

Domains, Hosting & Email Accounts

The domains registered by Super8, are registered with the data of Super8com Unipessoal, Lda except when the customer explicitly requests that they remain in his name. The transfer of ownership of the .pt domains to the customer has a cost of €25+VAT, and a cost of all actions for the transfer to take place, such as printing and notary fees.

Hosting for websites is charged yearly in advance plus VAT per year thereafter. No clients or third parties will be granted FTP (File Transfer Protocol) access to our servers or any of our affiliates.

O não pagamento ou resposta no prazo de 30 dias do cliente resulta na suspensão dos serviços contratados. A restauração dos serviços pode incorrer em taxas adicionais.

One pop email account is provided, all additional email addresses will be forwarded to this or another email address which must be provided by the client. Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) take no responsibility for any loss of business through non retrieval of emails, bounced messages or undelivered electronic mail. Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) take no responsibility for the content of emails including attachments and viruses.

Cancellation of any website will result in the withdrawal of the hosting package after 48 hours. All hosting packages are non-refundable. Should the client request that a domain name purchased by Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) on their behalf be transferred to another host, a release fee of 50€ + VAT will be charged.

Website hosting will be renewed automatically for Supported Clients as part of the initial contract, but a notice period of not less than 14 days will be given at the time invoicing. Clients must cancel their renewal in writing within this notice period, otherwise all charges will become payable and cancellation will NOT be accepted after this date, as hostings will have been paid by Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) on the client’s behalf. It is not Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) responsibility if there is a delay in the transfer of a domain name held with another provider, and this will not be accepted as a reason to delay payment in full of all outstanding monies.

Please take in consideration that if you allow one of your domains to expire, you may incur in additional charges for renewing your domain after the expiration date. At the same time, during this period, the domain will not be available and its website and email service will no longer be operational.

Super8 has no control over the hosting company and can take no responsibility for expired hosting due to late payment of annual hosting fees. The host company will remove the website from it’s servers which can cause total loss of the website. Payment for hosting is the responsibility of the client.

Customers who only have the free plan must ensure that the site works correctly, and any failure must be reported to Super8. As Suspensões de Alojamento em Clientes com Suporte Gratuito são de responsabilidade do cliente. O Cliente deve garantir que os arquivos do Site e sua integração não causem problemas no Alojamento.

Planos de Suporte

Our Support Plans (Free Support not included – View Plans) have:

  • Consultation, design & development;
  • Styling modifications;
  • Prioritised work;
  • Monthly WordPress & plugin updates to keep your website safe;
  • Website backups (The website must be hosted within our hosting service);

It is up to our Premium Clients to order these services, as Super8 can not know in advance what the needs of its customers are.

All support requests must be made through Super8 Support page.

Free Support Plan Requests will be charged at the rate of 20€/hour.

Themes, Plugins & Systems

Any Themes, plugins or systems, including eCommerce and CMS (Content Management System), provided to the client remain the intellectual property of Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda). and as such no access is given to the source code or database.

Systems cannot be transferred away from our provided hosting solution. E-commerce/CMS systems will be provided as an empty shop/site, and training will be given to the client(s) on using the system, upon request and subject to payment to be defined.

A delay in the client populating the e-shop/site will not be accepted as a reason for delayed payment as, once it is ready to be populated and training has been given, Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) job is done.

Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) offers a service to populate the client’s shop site/CMS on their behalf, and prices are available on request for this service. This does not include any photography, and where clients feel unable to create their own imagery of products, a photographer must be sought. Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) are happy to recommend independent photographers where necessary, but the contract will be between the client and said photographer. Additional training and support packages are available, and again the prices for these services are available on request.

At clients request, they can obtain their licenses after payment. Super8 cannot pass the contents to customers without the customer paying the licenses for each Theme or Plugin that their creators require.


Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) guarantees all of its websites / bespoke solutions provided to clients insofar as any faults or bugs will be rectified within a reasonable period of time so as not to interrupt the service provided by clients to their clients / users for an unacceptable time.

Any solution provided by Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) proving to be faulty or defective will be repaired / replaced free of charge to the working standard equivalent to launch.


We accept that certain details regarding your business, such as telephone numbers and email addresses, sometimes change, and that the details placed in a proof are liable to change. To this end we will amend smaller details such as these as part of our construction package.

This policy applies throughout your contract with Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda): if a minor detail needs to be amended, we are more than happy to do so, free of charge.

Larger changes, such as the creation of a new page or introduction of a new feature on your site, or the sourcing / changing of images are not covered by this policy and must be paid for.


Unless negotiated and agreed in writing, the copyrights of general artwork, commissioned artwork, illustrations, website design, programming and copy belong to Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda).

If you supply us with material, it is your responsibility to obtain all necessary copyrights for its use, and we assume that you possess these. In such cases, the copyright belongs to you. By signing this agreement, you agree to indemnify Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) from any claim which arises regarding the use of material with which you supply us.

We reserve the right to use any artwork or printing we produce for the purposes of promoting our services unless you request otherwise in writing.


All quotes for work are valid for thirty (14) days, after which time all proposed work will have to be re-quoted.

We take no responsibility for a re-quoted price differing from an original quote.

Jobs Put On Hold or Cancelled by the Client

Jobs put on hold or cancelled by the client during production will be invoiced at current stage and materials.

This invoice must be paid in full together with any VAT that falls due accordingly.


Any customer ceasing to pay their debts in the ordinary course of business or proving unable to pay their debts as they become due or, being, a company, is deemed to be unable to pay its debts, or has a winding-up petition issued against it or, being a person, commits an act of bankruptcy or has a bankruptcy petition issued against it, Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda), without prejudice to other remedies, shall

  1. have the right not to proceed further with the contract or any other work for the customer and be entitled to charge for work already carried out (whether completed or not) and materials purchased for the customer, such charge to be an immediate debt due to it, and
  2. in respect of all unpaid debts due from the customer, have a general lien on all goods and property in its possession (whether worked on or not) and shall be entitled on the expiration of 14 days’ notice to dispose of such goods or property in such manner and at such price as we think fit and to apply the proceeds towards such debts.

Data Protection

Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) agrees keep the confidential information of its clients confidential, including all administration areas of websites and details of referrers and those who are referred.

All such data recorded by a website will be completely secure, and all information will be treated as confidential, and you can at any time view request us to delete your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.


Sites that promote any illegal activity or present content that may be detrimental to the Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) servers, or any other server on the Internet.

Server Abuse

Any attempt to undermine or cause harm to a server or customer of the Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) is strictly prohibited.

As our customer you are responsible for all accounts. If you violate the Terms of Use outlined within, your IP Address will be blocked without the possibility of restitution.


We only do or place on the website what we are asked to do and it is not our responsibility to place any link or mention that is not requested by our customers.

Therefore, the lack of any standard arising from the legislation of the country in which the company operates its website is the sole responsibility of the company that owns, operates and manages the website’s financial resources.

Super8 only manages the files for the correct functioning of the website. All content on the website is the responsibility of the customer and is only inserted subject to the customer’s request and consent.

Denial of Service

We reserve the right to refuse, cancel or suspend service, in our sole discretion..


Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) not be liable for any damage that may arise from the server of the Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda).

In addition, Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) is not responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental or consequential, arising from the corruption or deletion of any site from the server of the Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda).


Any violation of these policies use the second should be referred to info@super8.pt.

All complaints will be investigated promptly.

Super8 (Super8com Unipessoal, Lda) reserves the right to change any or all of policies, guidelines above, without notice.

(Terms & Conditions updated on 21/09/2022)